6 Top Tips to Improve Your Tilda Website Speed

Website speed is essential for better user engagement and performance. Slow websites can frustrate users, leading to increased bounce rates and missed opportunities. Optimizing the website speed for those who use Tilda is essential to provide a seamless experience. Fast loading times are important for any website, whether a blog, portfolio, or e-commerce.

Website speed affects search engine rankings, not just the user experience. Google and other search engines prioritize websites that load quickly, so a slow website could be buried below faster competitors in the search results. Tilda speed optimization is, therefore, a crucial part of your website's strategy. There are several ways to increase the speed of your Tilda site so that it loads quickly.

Let’s explore 6 top tips for improving the speed of your Tilda site, keeping visitors engaged, and being visible above your competitors on search engines. 

1. Lazy Load Enabled for Faster Performance

The Lazy Load feature allows images to be loaded gradually (not all at once) as the user scrolls the page. This setting is enabled as a default and directly affects website performance. 

Make sure that Lazy Load is enabled for your website. 

  1. Go to Site Settings. 
  2. Click on more. 
  3. Uncheck the box "Disable Lazy Load images." Also, check that the feature has not been disabled in Zero Block's Image & Shape settings.

2. Optimize Images

Images can take a large portion of the loading time. You can increase the speed of your website by optimizing these files.

Resize Images: Make sure your images aren't larger than they need to be. Use relevant tools to resize your images precisely to your needs.

Compress Images: Use image compressor tools to reduce file size without compromising quality.

Use Appropriate File Formats: Choose an appropriate image format (JPEG or PNG graphics with transparency) to balance file size and quality.

3. Use the System Fonts, or Activate the Instant Content Rendering Settings

Arial and Georgia are system fonts that can be found on every computer. Pluggable fonts like Ubuntu and Roboto are available.

We recommend that you use the default fonts if you want your website to load as quickly as possible. You can save between 100 and 400 KB, which is a significant amount when it comes to loading the page.

You can use instant content rendering to brand your company or use corporate identity. This setting will allow you to display content on your website regardless of whether the font associated with your brand has been loaded. The website will display the system font first, then, after a few moments, when the font is loaded, it will render the text again in your branded typeface.

This feature can be enabled in Site Settings - Colors and Fonts - Advanced.

4. Disable Third-Party Code and Scripts on Your Website

Check for any scripts or codes from third parties, such as a chat or counter. You can connect these scripts and code via the T123 Block on Tilda. Check if this block is on your page or header.

We have observed that the code added to a website is not optimized to load the page and can cause a significant slowdown in the rendering in 95% of cases. We recommend you avoid third-party scripts or only use them when connected correctly.

Delay script initialization and loading if you can't do without third-party code. It is important that nothing unimportant loads in the first few seconds. Imagine, for example, that you want to add an Intercom widget. You may then want to initialize and connect the script three seconds after the main content is rendered. This will prevent the page from rendering slowly by preventing the mainstream from loading.

For example, the counters are loaded on Tilda with a default delay of 2 seconds.

5. Reduce the Length of a Page

It may seem obvious, but the less information on a page, the quicker it will load. Look at your website regularly—do you really need all of the information on the page? Or can it be reduced? If you have a long page (more than 20 screens), move some content to another screen to improve its loading speed. You can directly influence this and make adjustments.

6. Reduce the Number of Images on the Top of the Webpage

Sometimes, users place a large photo as the cover on the first page and four smaller images in the following block. The browser will have to download five pictures instead of just one. This can slow down traffic, particularly on mobile Internet. 


Tilda sites load fairly quickly by default. Use the tips listed above to increase the speed of your website. You can create an ultra-fast website, but some compromises will be made in terms of visuals and design. Additionally, using a website speed optimization tool like Website Speedy, can help you fine-tune performance. These decisions and priorities are always left to the users.

We are constantly optimizing the platform and implementing new solutions that will make your site even faster.